
From Houdini To A Historic Magic Shop: Discover A Spellbinding Heritage Near Your Daytona Bed & Breakfast

From Houdini To A Historic Magic Shop: Discover A Spellbinding Heritage Near Your Daytona Bed & Breakfast

You might have used the word “magic” to describe a vacation destination you really loved in the past — but here in Daytona Beach, we take that term to a whole new level! In addition to the breezy coastal environs that earned us the nickname “World’s Most Famous Beach,” a rich magical heritage abounds throughout the region. You just need to know where to look.

Whether you’re a budding magician yourself, or simply love learning about the local quirks of a new place, here’s a closer look at some of the spellbinding stories that have shaped Daytona Beach. Plus, see how to embrace your magic side from the comfort of your Daytona Beach bed and breakfast!

Did Harry Houdini Perform Here?

Daytona Beach was founded all the way back in 1870 — that’s more than 150 years of rich cultural history! As it turns out, that history may just include legendary musician Harry Houdini’s first visit to Florida.

According to Houdini history website Wild About Harry, a 1924 advertisement seems to place the storied magician at Daytona Beach’s Peabody Auditorium for a lecture just two years before his death. This isn’t quite the Peabody Auditorium you know today, however. The original building was ultimately destroyed by a fire before the new performing arts center was built.

Modern Magic

Even though Houdini’s visit to Daytona Beach was nearly a century ago, you’ll find that the magic is very much alive and well in 2022. Just head to Daytona Magic, a historic Beach Street shop located a quick walk from Ms. Maggie’s. The one-of-a-kind store has been serving tricks and novelties in the Daytona Beach area since 1976 — predating Beach Street’s designation as a historic district.

You can pop in for a truly unique souvenir, or to simply soak in a piece of local history — after all, you won’t find brick-and-mortar magic stores just anywhere these days! This beloved institution even founded the annual Daytona Beach Festival of Magic, which is still going strong today. (If you’re a major lover of all things magic, you might even want to consider attending this year’s convention in November!)

As you might have already suspected, Daytona Beach is a truly magical getaway — in more ways than one! Now, discover it for yourself. A stay at Ms. Maggie’s South Country Inn puts you at the heart of Daytona’s vibrant, one-of-a-kind culture — a place you can effortlessly stroll from your room, to the river, to the magic shop and back again in time for lunch.

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